PHP Configuration
Please ensure that your website meets the Minimum Requirement before installing or updating SMS or upgrading Joomla itself.
- Joomla 4.4+, Joomla 5.1.x, or Joomla 3.10 (only as a legacy mode)
- PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 or PHP 8.3
- PHP: memory_limit: 256 MB or 512M or higher
- PHP: post_max_size: 128M or higher
- PHP: upload_max_filesize: 20M or higher (do not set unlimited value "-1")
- PHP: max_execution_time = 300 (or more is suggested)
- MySQL 8+ or MariaDB 10+
- SSL - enabled HTTPS for a used domain. For localhost installation, you can ignore that.
- Hosting (Server) - Fast CGI mode or FRN mod.
- PHP settings: allow_url_fopen or cURL must be enabled (On). Needed for Joomla Article Integration.